Tweeting Bird Image

International Mother Language Day 2015

Today is International Mother Language Day! People worldwide are tweeting in indigenous and other languages in an effort to celebrate global linguistic diversity. Many of the tweets appearing with the #MotherTongue and #IMLD2015 hashtags also showcase archival and digitization efforts underway to help promote and sustain minority languages. To read more about the history of…

Rebecca Laroche (Early Modern Recipes Online): January 12 and 13

Rebecca Laroche (Early Modern Recipes Online): January 12 and 13

A kind invitation from Prof. Holly Dugan (English): I write to invite you to an informal lunch and coffee with Rebecca Laroche next Monday, January 12th and to hear her presentation on transcribing and coding archival recipes as part of the Early Modern Recipes Online Collective [EMROC] on Tuesday, January 13th at 4:45 (in my and…

Call for Proposals (Jan 20): DH Showcase 2015

Call for Proposals (Jan 20): DH Showcase 2015

GW DIGITAL HUMANITIES SHOWCASE Hosted by GW Digital Humanities Institute and Gelman Library February 20, 2015 Are you launching a Digital Humanities (DH) project and figuring out the next steps? Do you want to meet other people in GW who are interested in how the arts and humanities interact with digital media? We invite members…

Social Networks of Socrates in Classical Athens: SNA and the Digital Humanities (Prof. Diane H. Cline)

Social Networks of Socrates in Classical Athens: SNA and the Digital Humanities (Prof. Diane H. Cline)

Tomorrow, Prof. Diane H. Cline (History) will give a seminar as part of a faculty series in the Department of Engineering Management & Systems Engineering (EMSE) in the School of Engineering & Applied Science (SEAS). We hope some of you can attend! The seminar will be held in the EMSE Conference Room (1776 G Street, Room 120). Here is…

GW Libraries receives major grant to aggregate tweets
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GW Libraries receives major grant to aggregate tweets

Great news! GW Libraries has just received a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) to use a social feed manager to aggregate and analyze Twitter data. An application developed by Daniel Chudnov, Director of Scholarly Technology at Gelman Library, will aid GW librarians and researchers to collect and store millions of tweets per day. Read…

EGSA Programming Tutorial (with Prof. Daniel DeWispelare)

EGSA Programming Tutorial (with Prof. Daniel DeWispelare)

Hello everyone! This message is intended for anyone who plans on attending the Programming / Coding / Database Tutorial for Digital Humanists lead by Prof. Daniel DeWispelare (English) on Saturday afternoon, April 5, from 1-4 pm in Rome 771.  This event is being organized by Maia Gil’Adi for EGSA. Prof. DeWispelare makes these announcements: Please bring…

Inaugural GW Digital Humanities Lecture: Addressing the Text (Dr. Michael Witmore, Folger Shakespeare Library)

Inaugural GW Digital Humanities Lecture: Addressing the Text (Dr. Michael Witmore, Folger Shakespeare Library)

The George Washington University is pleased to announce its Inaugural GW Digital Humanities Lecture! Dr. Michael Witmore, Director of the Folger Shakespeare Library, will offer talk about large-scale data-mining and literary analysis … and Shakespeare, of course. This exciting event is co-sponsored by GW MEMSI, the Dean’s Scholars in Shakespeare program, the Department of English, the Department of History, Gelman…