RenAIssance Studies: Techne, Technicity, and Artificial Intelligence 

RenAIssance Studies: Techne, Technicity, and Artificial Intelligence 

In what senses might AI be theorized as a type of RenAIssance technology of re-generation that connects early modern thoughts on mind-body and modern models of ideation? Submit your proposal for our panel on RenAIssance Studies: Techne, Technicity, and Artificial Intelligence at the RSA in Boston, March 20–22, 2025

Trustworthy AI Initiative
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Trustworthy AI Initiative

In April, 2024, George Washington University launched the Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Initiative. Here is the news story. The Digital Humanities Institute is a partner program, and Profess Alexa Alice Joubin is a TAI faculty.  As transformative AI becomes increasingly embedded in complex systems, policy makers and researchers must determine how to govern and evaluate this…

Screening Shakespeare

Screening Shakespeare

We are pleased to announce the publication of Alexa Alice Joubin‘s online textbook Screening Shakespeare, just in time for the new academic year! The openly-licensed learning modules in the book cover key concepts of film studies, such as mise-en-scène, cinematography, sound and music, and film theory.

New Books Network Podcast

New Books Network Podcast

Shakespeare’s plays enjoy a great deal of popularity across the world, yet most of us study Shakespeare’s local productions. Alexa Alice Joubin‘s Shakespeare and East Asia (Oxford 2021) addresses this gap through a wide-ranging analysis of stage and film adaptations related to Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The New Books Network interview about the book is…

MW Bychowski publishes “Unconfessing Transgender” in OA journal
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MW Bychowski publishes “Unconfessing Transgender” in OA journal

Announcement: M.W. Bychowski published an article, “Unconfessing Transgender: Dysphoric Youths and the Medicalization of Madness in John Gower’s “Tale of Iphis and Ianthe” in the OA journal Accessus Abstract: On the brink of the twenty-first century, Judith Butler argues in “Undiagnosing Gender” that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) defines the psychiatric condition of…

Jump-start DH grants via “Resilient Networks” (apply by Friday October 14)
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Jump-start DH grants via “Resilient Networks” (apply by Friday October 14)

As previously announced on this blog, GW has been awarded a substantial Andrew W. Mellon grant to support “Resilient Networks to Support Inclusive Digital Humanities.” Competitive jump-start grants of $5000 are now being offered to member-institution faculty pursuing digital humanities projects! Read more about the scale and scope of the Mellon grant here. If you wish…