GW Libraries receives major grant to aggregate tweets
Read more about this grant and Social Feed Manager at this article that just appeared at GW Today.
Read more about this grant and Social Feed Manager at this article that just appeared at GW Today.
GW DIGITAL HUMANITIES SHOWCASE Hosted by GW Digital Humanities Institute and Gelman Library February 20, 2015 Are you launching a Digital Humanities (DH) project and figuring out the next steps? Do you want to meet other people in GW who are interested in how the arts and humanities interact with digital media? We invite members…
The first DH SHOWCASE at GW is TODAY! Event website (with full schedule): Official hashtag: #GWDoesDH Sponsors and collaborating organizations: GW Digital Humanities Institute: @GWDHI GW Libraries: @gelmanlibrary Shira Eller (GW Librarian, Art and Design) Karim Boughida (GW Librarian for Digital Initiatives): @kboughida GW English: @gwengl GW Columbian College of Arts and Sciences: @gwucolumbian…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all in-person events are currently on hold. Starting Fall 2021, we plan to offer a mix of in-person, virtual, and hybrid events. We remain a connecting place for local and virtual communities. Please stay tuned to our Facebook page for the latest news and video recordings of our events. …
GW Digital Humanities Institute founding co-director Alexa Alice Joubin was named the inaugural recipient of the bell hooks Legacy Award on April 7, 2023. The Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association (PCA / ACA) established the award to commemorate the late feminist writer and activist bell hooks (1952-2021) who has authored more than 30 books….
What would happen if over 150 students, poets, artists, and academics joined forces to creatively rewrite all of Shakespeare’s sonnets? The result would be Out of Sequence: The Sonnets Remixed (2014), a collaborative, mixed-genre collection edited by GW English PhD student D. Gilson. This multimedia publication was a collaborative project that had its origins in Gilson’s “call for contributors”…
Get ready, people! Friday, February 20 is our first DH SHOWCASE. This interdisciplinary event is organized and sponsored by the GW Digital Humanities Institute, GW Libraries, and the Office of Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration. Our informal event will include brief presentations from Classics, English, GW Libraries, History, Japanese, Jewish Cultural Arts, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. There will…