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International Mother Language Day 2015
Today is International Mother Language Day! People worldwide are tweeting in indigenous and other languages in an effort to celebrate global linguistic diversity. Many of the tweets appearing with the #MotherTongue and #IMLD2015 hashtags also showcase archival and digitization efforts underway to help promote and sustain minority languages. To read more about the history of…
Faculty CAN (Coffee & Networking): BIG DATA, Machine Learning, and Frontiers of Data Science
TODAY at noon in Phillips 411. CCAS Faculty CAN (Coffee And Networking) event of interest to digital humanists! Faculty Coffee and Networking (Faculty CAN) Title: Big Data, Machine Learning, and Frontiers of Data Science Date / Time: Wednesday, November 16, 12 – 1pm Location: Phillips 411 Sign Up: Registration site (optional but encouraged) Event Description: The explosion of data is rapidly…
DH Showcase TODAY: Abstracts + Twitter Archive
The first DH SHOWCASE at GW is TODAY! Event website (with full schedule): Official hashtag: #GWDoesDH Sponsors and collaborating organizations: GW Digital Humanities Institute: @GWDHI GW Libraries: @gelmanlibrary Shira Eller (GW Librarian, Art and Design) Karim Boughida (GW Librarian for Digital Initiatives): @kboughida GW English: @gwengl GW Columbian College of Arts and Sciences: @gwucolumbian…
EGSA Programming Tutorial (with Prof. Daniel DeWispelare)
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MW Bychowski publishes “Unconfessing Transgender” in OA journal
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Rebecca Laroche (Early Modern Recipes Online): January 12 and 13
A kind invitation from Prof. Holly Dugan (English): I write to invite you to an informal lunch and coffee with Rebecca Laroche next Monday, January 12th and to hear her presentation on transcribing and coding archival recipes as part of the Early Modern Recipes Online Collective [EMROC] on Tuesday, January 13th at 4:45 (in my and…