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Composing Disability: Crip Ecologies, April 7-8, 2016
[Cross-posted from the GW English blog] George Washington University’s biennial Composing Disability Conference returns in Spring 2016 with the theme of “Crip Ecologies.” The event will be held April 7-8, 2016; featured speakers include Sunaura Taylor and Riva Lehrer, with others to be announced soon. Crip Ecologies is sponsored by the Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion,…

Faculty CAN (Coffee & Networking): BIG DATA, Machine Learning, and Frontiers of Data Science
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THATCamp DC 2015: Saturday April 18!
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Social Networks of Socrates in Classical Athens: SNA and the Digital Humanities (Prof. Diane H. Cline)
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GW Digital Humanities Showcase, Feb 12 (responses due Jan 10)
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