RenAIssance Studies: Techne, Technicity, and Artificial Intelligence 

RenAIssance Studies: Techne, Technicity, and Artificial Intelligence 

In what senses might AI be theorized as a type of RenAIssance technology of re-generation that connects early modern thoughts on mind-body and modern models of ideation? Submit your proposal for our panel on RenAIssance Studies: Techne, Technicity, and Artificial Intelligence at the RSA in Boston, March 20–22, 2025

Trustworthy AI Initiative
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Trustworthy AI Initiative

In April, 2024, George Washington University launched the Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Initiative. Here is the news story. The Digital Humanities Institute is a partner program, and Profess Alexa Alice Joubin is a TAI faculty.  As transformative AI becomes increasingly embedded in complex systems, policy makers and researchers must determine how to govern and evaluate this…

AI is in Your Classroom – Even if You Didn’t Know It!

AI is in Your Classroom – Even if You Didn’t Know It!

GW Digital Humanities Institute founding co-director Alexa Alice Joubin recently spoke at a roundtable on artificial intelligence and higher education.  Prof. Alexa Alice Joubin embraces instructional AI in her classroom     From AI that write papers, essays, and poems, to those that create art or write computer code, these technologies are quickly impacting on…