Tweeting Bird Image

International Mother Language Day 2015

Today is International Mother Language Day! People worldwide are tweeting in indigenous and other languages in an effort to celebrate global linguistic diversity. Many of the tweets appearing with the #MotherTongue and #IMLD2015 hashtags also showcase archival and digitization efforts underway to help promote and sustain minority languages. To read more about the history of…

THATCamp: The Humanities and Technologies Camp at GWU

THATCamp: The Humanities and Technologies Camp at GWU

This April, the Digital Humanities Institute at George Washington University helped to sponsor the 2014 THATCamp (The Humanities and Technologies Camp) in Washington, DC. An “unconference,” THATCamp brought together teachers, students, software developers, members from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Sunlight Foundation, Tech Cocktail, Cuentos, GW Libraries, and scholars from across DC, as well as…