Eileen Joy (punctum books): Freedom, Responsibility, E-Publishing, and Building New Cultural-Intellectual Publics

Eileen Joy (punctum books): Freedom, Responsibility, E-Publishing, and Building New Cultural-Intellectual Publics

Are you interested in the Digital Humanities (DH) and the future of publishing, especially electronic and open access publishing? Please note this event!On Thursday, November 14, Eileen Joy (director of punctum books and co-founder of the BABEL Working Group) will present a talk entitled “Freedom, Responsibility, E-Publishing, and Building New Cultural-Intellectual Publics.” This visit is co-sponsored…

Inaugural GW Digital Humanities Lecture: Addressing the Text (Dr. Michael Witmore, Folger Shakespeare Library)

Inaugural GW Digital Humanities Lecture: Addressing the Text (Dr. Michael Witmore, Folger Shakespeare Library)

The George Washington University is pleased to announce its Inaugural GW Digital Humanities Lecture! Dr. Michael Witmore, Director of the Folger Shakespeare Library, will offer talk about large-scale data-mining and literary analysis … and Shakespeare, of course. This exciting event is co-sponsored by GW MEMSI, the Dean’s Scholars in Shakespeare program, the Department of English, the Department of History, Gelman…