Project websites or group blogs featuring GW faculty and librarians:
- GW Coders, a group led by John Haveston and Ryan Watkins. The project brings together students and faculty to apply computational and data analytics skills in research.
- 1947 Partition (creator and director: Kavita Daiya, English)
- DC Africana Archives Project (dir. Dorothea Williams, with Africana Studies and GW Libraries): Information in GW Today.
- Global Chaucers (co-founder and co-director: Jonathan Hsy, English)
- Global Shakespeares (co-founder and co-director: Alexa Alice Joubin, English)
- Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project (History and GW Libraries)
- First Federal Congress Project (History)
- GWU Natural Language Processing (NLP) Lab (dir. Mona T. Diab, Computer Science)
- In the Middle: A Group Medieval Studies Blog (co-bloggers include Jeffrey J. Cohen, English; and Jonathan Hsy, English)
- National Security Archive (GW Libraries)
- Online Medieval Disability Glossary (editorial board includes Jonathan Hsy, English)
- Shout, Sister, Shout! (creator: Gayle Wald, English)
- Social Network Analysis & Ancient History (Diane H. Cline, History)
- Teamsters Labor History Research Center (Gelman Library)
- Visualizing Japanese Grammar (creator: Shoko Hamano, East Asian Languages & Literatures)
- University Diaries blog (Margaret Soltan, English)
- Washington Writers Archive (GW Libraries)

Arts, media, performance:
- Dana Tai Soon Burgess Dance Company (dir. Dana Tai Soon Burgess, Theatre & Dance)
- Siobhan Rigg (Prof. of New Media, Dept. of Fine Arts & Art History)
- James Sham (Prof of Sculpture, Dept. of Fine Arts & Art History)
- Maida Withers Dance Construction Company (dir. Maida Withers, Theatre & Dance)
Projects launched by GW graduate students or alumni:
- Bacchanal in the Library (Alan Montroso)
- Lori Brister (several projects)
- From Zeros and Ones (GW Graduate English DH Working Group Blog)
- Out of Sequence: The Sonnets Remixed (ed. D Gilson); note coverage in the CCAS Newsletter and a review in The Shakespeare Standard (see also the GW English blog)
- Poetics of Interiority (Kimberly Clarke)
- Racing the Middle Ages (Molly Lewis)
- Salman Rushdie Archive (Tawnya Ravy); note coverage on the GW English blog
- Transliterature: Things Transform (M Bychowski)
- The Zombie Archive (Maia Gil’Adi)